2014年4月11日 星期五

Expert stainless steel scratch repair.


Specializing in on-site restoration of all kinds of stainless building materials, Ting-Yah Stainless Steel Technical Restoration Co., Ltd., dedicates itself in and focuses mainly on refurbishing blurred and scratched elevators, mirror finish of panels in elevator lobbies, and hairline faces made of stainless steel plates.

Through years of experience in the relevant field, we realized that stainless steel surfaces of buildings suffer from various problems such as tool marks, cleaning scratches, tape residue, acidic etching, stain clinging, yellow dusting, etc., which, if lacking of an intrinsic maintenance technology, will not only cause the stainless steel surface to lose its rust-resisting property but also diminish the visual glamour of appearance to a certain extent.

The innovative refurbishing technology provides customers with scratch repair and pollution resistant solutions for tackling with large area stainless steel surfaces in buildings. Extremely economic and effective application for restoration of stainless steel building materials, whether of on-site installations or elevator door panels, having a thickness less than 1.2mm. World leading mirror finish refurbishing method enables sustainable recycling of stainless steel building materials.

2014年4月9日 星期三


電梯髮紋不銹鋼受到【輕微刮傷】要如何DIY處理?  一般情形下如果要自行處理是可以利用細砂紙順著紋路的方向磨刷,主要原理利用細砂紙的磨擦來消除表面輕微刮痕,但此一處理方式比較適用在輕微的刮傷處理,且操作的時候也需注意表面的平均施力,如果磨擦力道不平均容易造成電梯不銹鋼表面二次傷害。


2014年4月8日 星期二

Features of refurbishment


Innovative refurbishing method: effective elimination of high temperature and dust problems normally seen in traditional mechanical polishing.
Innovative refurbishing process: no excessive heat or grinding will occur to workpiece, significantly lowering dent or deformation on stainless steel surface.
Provides mirror finish treatment package for restoring large area mirror scratches to the proximity of original ex-plant quality.
No color difference after scratch removal on a mirror finish: effective remedy for the removal of difficulties of traditional mechanical polishing methods.
Genuine mirror polishing: complies with customer requirements for light projection and reflection in various surroundings to achieve a true mirror finish.

2014年4月3日 星期四


電梯不鏽鋼刮傷 電梯門板划痕 車箱鏡面鋼板劃傷 不銹鋼劃痕打磨 刮傷修復 翻新美容 拋光研磨 鏡面處理 刮傷去除 鏡面拋光 不銹鋼保養 表面修復 鏡面研磨 髮線處理 拉絲(絨)處理 霧化復新 覆蓋污染處理 酸蝕復新 清潔刮傷 碰撞擦傷 鏡面划痕 電梯鏡面划痕修復 轎廂划痕修復 電梯清潔 表面處理 划痕拋光 不銹鋼污損 抗污染防護 電梯美容 劃傷修復

2014年4月2日 星期三



2014-03-31 13:37 【時報記者沈培華台北報導】

